Donate — Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church


Online Bill Pay

To send an electronic check to the church, log in to your online banking app. You might also need to sign up for “Bill Pay” or a similar service within the app. Information you will need:

  • Payee: HVUUC

  • Address: PO Box 8383; Gray, TN 37615

  • Memo: When you create a payment, please put the purpose of the payment in this field, such as “service auction” or “pledge payment.”

  • If your bank requires a payee account number, simply email and they will get back to you.

Paper Check

If you would like to make a donation or a pledge payment by mailing a check, please indicate specifically what you are sending the money for on the “memo” line and mail the check to: HVUUC; PO Box 8383; Gray, TN 37615


To donate via PayPal, just use this handy button!