Getting Involved Overview — Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church

Getting Involved

There is no community without people. It’s good to be here for ourselves. It’s also important to be here for each other.
— beloved, long-time HVUUC friend

Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church welcomes all who come in the spirit of love and mutual respect.

One of the easiest ways to get to know people at HVUUC is to attend a religious education class, fellowshop event, small group ministry, worship service, or social justice project. There also are a number of committees and teams you can join if you are interested. No matter what your availability, interest, ability, or budget, there are ways you can contribute to this community and many ways this community can support and affirm you!

And remember, life happens to all of us. Whenever you need to pull back to attend to life’s happenings, know we are here to support you as needed, to step in, to lift up. And whenever you are ready to come back we are ready to welcome you. Through it all you are a beloved part of this community.

Lesson for All Ages during a worship service.

Lesson for All Ages during a worship service.

Main building and the REZ (top left)

Main building and the REZ (top left)