Location — Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church


136 Bob Jobe Rd, Gray, TN 37615

Do not send mail to this address! Please see our Contact page for contact information.

You can see HVUUC from Interstate 26 which connects Johnson City, TN and Kingsport, TN (between exits #10 and #13).


From the South (Johnson City) 

On I-26, take Eastern Star Road Exit #10 (old Exit #45). At the end of the exit ramp, make a right on Eastern Star Rd. Make an immediate (100ft) right onto Bob Jobe Rd.

From the North (I-81 and Kingsport) 

On I-26, take Eastern Star Road Exit #10 (old Exit #45).  At the top of the exit ramp, make a left onto Eastern Star Rd. Cross over I-26 and turn right at the first road past the interchange - Bob Jobe Rd.

On Bob Jobe Road

Travel 1.6 miles. The church is on the left. Do be careful - Bob Jobe Road is a winding rural road with lots of hills (but it's pretty).

Look for the tiny sign along Bob Jobe Rd.

Look for the tiny sign along Bob Jobe Rd.