Special Events
These are great events to attend, and organizers always are looking for volunteers to help make them happen as well.
Annual Service Auction — the main fundraiser of our church year, volunteers help solicit donations, set up, run, break down, and follow up. auction@hvuuc.org
Green Arts Festival — annual craft fair usually held in conjunction with the Festivals of Light service. Volunteer needed to coordinate, artists and crafters needed to vend. Supports local artists and crafters as well as green initiatives at HVUUC. greenartsfestival@hvuuc.org
Pancakes with Jam — annual fellowship service on the Sunday between Christmas and New Year’s. MACHO provides food, congregants provide musical entertainment, some people attend in pajamas.
Soapbox Sunday — annually, usually on the Sunday closest to Independence Day, congregants share their perspective on an issue that is near and dear to them. soapboxsunday@hvuuc.org
Annual Social Justice Sunday - every January, the Social Justice Committee organizes the Sunday Service to highlight the significance of social justice to Unitarian Universalists in our community, the Nation and the world.
5th Sunday Giving - every 5th Sunday we take special Sunday Service collection for an area non-profit organization, which our social justice principles commit us to support.
Annual Pancakes with Jam service.