Endowment Fund — Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church

Endowment Fund

Holston Valley UU Church’s endowment fund enhances the long-term financial health of the church. Members and friends make donations to the fund through wills, in memory of deceased congregants, to celebrate special occasions, or simply as a way to support the church.  


The endowment fund provides an annual payment to the church of 4% of the fund’s holdings as averaged over the prior three years. This ensures the fund continues to grow, as does its benefit to the church.

The Endowment Committee includes three people appointed by the Board of Trustees plus the church’s Treasurer and the Stewardship Trustee.

If you have any questions or might like to serve on the Endowment Committee, please contact endowment@hvuuc.org.

To make a donation to the Endowment Fund, please either mail a check or use your bank’s online bill pay function to send a check payable to “HVUUC Endowment Fund” to:

Holston Valley UU Church
PO Box 8383
Gray, TN 37615