Nature Trail — Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church

HVUUC Nature Trail 

The idea of a walking trail on church property has been around for many years. There had been a couple of earlier unsuccessful efforts to cut one. In 2019, Charlie Mattioli took the lead in organizing a group of church members to plan, flag, cut and develop a trail that would be 5-8 feet wide and follow easy terrain. The trail starts in the far left-hand corner of the church’s front parking lot, winds through the woods to the lower parking lot and ends in front of the church and is approximately a quarter of a mile in length.

The nature trail is meant to serve several purposes:

1) To enjoy nature and the grounds surrounding the church.

2) To encourage exercise

3) To stimulate meditation and relaxation

The Nature Trail has a series of short meditative quotes from well-known writers on small plaques posted on trees to encourage thought and appreciation of the natural world. It also has a number of benches where one can rest, relax, and just enjoy quiet and beauty.

A group was formed called the Pathmakers to develop the trail. The following people were in that group: Charlie Mattioli, Mike Frisch, David Kashdan, Tish Kashdan, Ray Hatch, Greg Kramer, Fletcher Margeson, Joseph Viola, Alex Stollberg Lance Klosterman, Tom Burns, Frank Shuler, Richard Boyd, Denee Mattioli, William Kaufman, Charlie Stuart, Mary Williamson, Charlie Miller, George Cross, Betty Kramer, Bryan Kleske, and Brandy Hayes.

After flagging the path, this work group and sometimes other volunteers, cut trees, bushes and tall grass and cleared the path. The power lines along West Street on our property were being cleared of trees by the power company at the time and they gladly deposited many piles of wood chips in our lower parking lot which we used to cover the entire trail. Charlie Mattioli and Lance Klosterman used their tractors to deposit it at various places on the trail where it was then spread by wheelbarrows and rakes by our many volunteers.

When Covid hit in early 2020 the work slowed but continued as there were plenty of outdoor spaces to complete projects. The benches were built in Charlie Mattioli’s shop and varnished for protection. George Cross and Charlie dug holes and placed them in concrete along the trail. It was completed in 2020 and continues to be used and enjoyed by many church members.