Level 3 - High — Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church

 Level 3 - HIGH

1. Building open for:

• Worship service (with online YouTube option)

• Meetings and group gatherings
• Memorial Services
• Rentals (COVID-19 waiver required)

2. Group Leader, Minister, or DRE –Responsibilities
• Ensure masks are worn by everyone inside the building, 3 years of age and older, regardless of vaccination status. Exception: Vaccinated speakers or musicians (generally limited to 1-2) who have Rapid tested negative may be at the podium unmasked.
• Ensure masks are worn by everyone outside for activities involving close contact with others who are not fully vaccinated

• Limit group size to posted room occupancy, take attendance, and ensure people from different households are spread out (i.e., Social Distance)
• Ensure hand sanitation upon entry.
• Ensure all refreshments are consumed outside. No communal food. (Served, individually wrapped or bring-your-own OK)

• Disinfect all high-touch surfaces (e.g., door handles, light switches) prior to and following the meeting.


1)      Inside singing with masks. Exception: 1-2 singers (vaccinated and Rapid-tested negative) permitted unmasked at podium.

2)      It is expected that anyone who is sick will STAY HOME.


  1. Groups are considered “Fully Vaccinated” ONLY when all members are fully vaccinated. If any member is not fully vaccinated, ALL members will follow “Unvaccinated” safety protocols.

  2. Pre-recorded or instrumental music (non-wind instruments) indoors. Outside singing permitted with masks, social distancing.

  3. It is expected that anyone who is sick will STAY HOME.