Free Money — Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church

Free Money for HVUUC

Make Sure Your Kroger 5% Goes to HVUUC

People who shop at Kroger's will have to renew their wish to have 5% they spend go to the church. Our organization number to do this is 83282 to be completed online. Login to (or create) your Kroger Community Rewards account to do this.

Amazon Smile

Amazon will donate 0.5% of every purchase you make on to HVUUC (at no additional cost to you). Two simple steps:

  1. First add HVUUC as your preferred charity on your Amazon account (go to Amazon Smile and search Holston or use this link).

  2. Whenever you make a purchase be sure to enter through the "" address rather than the normal "". It's free money and definitely worth a couple of clicks! (Tip: you can add the "smile" to any Amazon URL manually. Change any address from to

Send any questions to our treasurer at