Membership — Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church


Visitors often ask for information about HVUUC membership. The benefits of membership are many, including a deeper involvement in the various community-building and spiritually-enriching programs offered at the church. Thus, though the benefits of membership are many, the decision to join the church should be thoughtfully considered.

Deciding to become a member typically means a willingness to play an active role in the life of the church and to donate time, talent and treasure. 

As outlined in our bylaws, to become a member a person must be at least 16 years of age, support the church bylaws and policies and participate in a Path to Membership class.  This class is offered by the Membership Development Committee several times a year. 

Once these requirements are met, a person can sign the HVUUC Membership Book and then be eligible to vote 60 days after the membership register is signed. 

An Ingathering ceremony during a Sunday service celebrates new members and introduces them to the congregation.

The minister or membership trustee will be happy to answer any questions about membership and can be reached by email at or We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you better!