Lifespan Religious Education & Nursery — Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church

Lifespan Religious Education & Nursery

Religious education (RE, or Sunday school) for all ages preK – adult takes place from 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. most Sundays. In addition, nursery care is provided for children 6 months through 3 years at the same time. Guardians are responsible for picking up their children from RE class at 10:45.

Most RE classes meet in the Religious Education Zone (or REZ), the building up the hill from the main church building. The nursery is located on the lower level of the main church building. Follow the gravel path on the right side of the church and ring the bell at the first door on the left.

To ensure we are aware of allergy and ability challenges and that we have a way to contact guardians, registration is required for all children in either the nursery or RE classes.

The Nursery

Free childcare is available for children ages 6 months thru age 4 (or not yet potty trained) during Sunday School (9:30AM-10:45AM).

Childcare is available during the church service from 11AM-12:30PM for children ages 6 months thru kindergarten. Guardians have two choices for service childcare. Your children may remain with you in the service until the Lesson for All Ages and then go to the nursery with you (if it is your first time visiting) or the ushers. If you prefer, your children may also go to the nursery as soon as Sunday School is over.

Pre K – 5th Grade


Children in  Pre-K through 5th grade will meet in the two rooms on the left on the first floor of the REZ.

The PreK-2 graders' focus is on cultures around the world. They will emphasize various holidays from around the world and learn about them as well. For example, they will have sessions on Chinese New Year, Mardi Gras, etc.

The 3-5 grade class is using a curriculum that is all about change. Each week they have a craft, or art project that can help them think about changes -- big and small. The curriculum is inspired by the book, Change: Getting to Know About Ebb and Flow, by Laura Greene.

6th - 12th Grade

This group meets on the 2nd floor of the REZ.

Religious Education for our 6-12th grade youth can change from time to time. Currently our 6-8th grade youth are doing Stellar Sex Education. When that class is over the 6th-12th grade class will resume using a curriculum called Popcorn Theology that is centered around watching a movie clip and then discussing it.


There are two options for Adult Religious Education, as well.

Adult RE I

This class meets in the 2nd room on the right on the first floor of the REZ. This class watches a TED Talk or similar short educational clip and then discusses it.


Adult RE 2

This class meets in the first room on the right on the first floor of the REZ. Topics can vary week to week. Themes can range from spiritual practices to social justice.